

FTDI電纜5V VCC-3.3VI / O

FTDI Cable 5V VCC-3.3V I/O




The FTDI cable is a USB to Serial (TTL level) converter which allows for a simple way to connect TTL interface devices to USB. The VCC pins of this FTDI cable are configured to operate at 5V with 3.3V I/O.

The FTDI cable is designed around an FT232RQ, which is housed in a USB A connector. The other side of the cable is terminated with a 0.1" pitch, 6-pin connector with the following pinout: RTS, RX, TX, 5V, CTS, GND (RTS is the green cable and GND is black).

This cable has almost the same pinout and functionality as our FTDI Basic Breakout board; you can use it to program your Arduino Pro, Pro Mini and Lilypad, etc. For use with those boards, align the black and green wires of the FTDI cable with the ‘BLK’ and ‘GRN’ labels on the PCB. The difference between this cable and the FTDI Basic Breakout is the cable has a 5V Vcc where as the breakout has a 3.3V Vcc. You will still be able to program an Aruidno Pro, Pro Mini, Lilypad, etc. The 5V Vcc supply will not damage these Arduino circuit boards.

Originally, the cable was designed to have 3.3V VCC, however something was lost in translation between SparkFun and our supplier and we got stuck with a whole bunch of FTDI cables that have a slight mix up in wiring. These have 5V VCC, and 3.3V I/O. The 5V Vcc output shouldn’t be a problem unless this cable is being used to power a sensitive circuit such as a sensor.

There are pros and cons to the FTDI Cable vs the FTDI Basic. The FTDI Basic has great LED indicators, but requires a Mini-B cable. The FTDI Cable is well protected against the elements, but is large and cannot be embedded into a project as easily. The FTDI Basic uses DTR to cause a hardware reset where the FTDI cable uses the RTS signal.


FTDI的電纜是USB轉串口(TTL電平)轉換器,它允許一個簡單的方法來TTL接口裝置連接到USB。這FTDI電纜的VCC引腳配置在5V與3.3V的I / O操作。

FTDI的電纜是一種以FT232RQ,它坐落在一個USB A接口。電纜的另一端終止與以下引腳0.1“間距,6針連接器:RTS,RX,TX,5V,CTS,GND(RTS是綠色線和GND為黑色)。

該電纜具有幾乎相同的引腳和功能作為我們FTDI基本突破板;你可以用它來你的程序的Arduino臨臨迷你利利帕德等。對於這些電路板用,與“BLK”和“GRN”標籤,在PCB上對準FTDI線的黑色和綠色的電線。這種電纜和FTDI基本突圍之間的差是電纜具有5V的Vcc,其中作為突破具有3.3V Vcc的。您仍然能夠編程的Aruidno臨,臨迷你,利利帕德等。5V Vcc電源不會損壞這些的Arduino電路板。

本來,電纜被設計為具有3.3V的VCC,但是什麼東西迷失東京SparkFun和我們的供應商之間,我們得到了堅持與一大堆有佈線略有混淆FTDI電纜。這些都5V VCC和3.3VI / O。除非該電纜被用來驅動一個敏感電路,例如一個傳感器在5V的Vcc輸出不應該是一個問題。

有利弊的FTDI電纜相較於FTDI基礎。 FTDI的基礎有很大的LED指示燈,但需要一個mini-B電纜。 FTDI的電纜是很好的保護對元素,但是大的,不能容易地嵌入到一個項目。 FTDI的基本使用DTR引起其中FTDI電纜使用RTS信號一個硬件復位。



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