
盾 v3.0。0

BLE-Shield v3.0.0





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BLE-Shield v3.0.0 based on Bluegiga’s BLE113 Module
The Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Shield v3.0.0 for Arduino is a Shield that enabled Arduino Projects to communicate with Bluetooth 4.0 enabled smartphones and tablets. Version 3.0.0 of the Shield has some great new features which makes it even better, easier, more versatile to use and even cheaper for you to get one.
  • Based on Bluegiga’s BLE113 M256K Bluetooth 4.0 single mode compliant module
  • Open Source Hardware- and Firmware
  • No Library necessary to operate the module on the target platform
  • Compatible with BLE enabled smartphones and tablets
  • Configurable UART Pins RX, TX, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13
  • Configurable Interrupt pins 2, 3 and 7 which is set high once the BLE-Shield is connected
  • Baudrates 9600 (default), 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 112500 can be changed using a characteristic
  • The reset switch now resets the BLE-Shield and the underlying Arduino board.
  • Support OTA firmware updates e.g. using BLEGUI2 tool from Bluegiga or M.Kroll’s BLExplr iPhone App
Services and Characteristics:
BLE-Shield Service v3.0.0 -  B4BDB998-8F4A-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
Bluetooth Device Address (Read): B4BDB998-8F4B-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
Baudrate (read, write): B4BDB998-8F4C-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
Supported baudrate values are:
  • 0x00 = 9600 Baud (default)
  • 0x01 = 14400 Baud
  • 0x02 = 19200 Baud
  • 0x03 = 28800 Baud
  • 0x04 = 38400 Baud
  • 0x05 = 57600 Baud
  • 0x06 = 112500 Baud
The baudrate setting is written to the internal storage of the BLE113 module, so the setting will persist even if you remove power from the module. During the next boot cycle after power cycling the module or resetting it, the baudrate setting is restored from flash. So there is no need to reconfigure the BLE-Shield every time you power the module.
Enable Connect LED (read, write): B4BDB998-8F4D-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
This new characteristic is used to change the bahavior of the blue LED on the BLE-Shield which indicates the connection status of the BLE-Shield.
Supported values are:
  • 0x00 = LED is not used to indicate a connection (Default)
  • 0xFF = LED is used to indicate a connection.
So don’t worry if the LED is not turned on while connected if you are using the BLE-Shield the first time. It is turned off by default. You need to change the characteristic first to 0xFF in order to use the LED. The setting is also persisted into the BLE-Shield’s flash memory, so the setting persists between power and reset cycles.
Data (Write, Indicate): B4BDB998-8F4E-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
The Data characteristic is new to the BLE-Shield v3.0.0. If you connect the BLE-Shield from e.g. an iOS Device and you enable indications on this characteristic, the iOS device will be indicated whenever the embedded device sends serial data to the BLE-Shield on the TX pin. If you write data from the iOS device to the BLE-Shield the data is send available on the RX pin of the BLE-Shield.
BlueGiga OTA Service - 1d14d6ee-fd63-4fa1-bfa4-8f47b42119f0
This is the OTA service which is implemented on the BLE-Shield as Bluegiga describes it in the Application Note: Implementing OTA Firmware Upgrade
OTA Control Characteristic: f7bf3564-fb6d-4e53-88a4-5e37e0326063
The OTA control point characteristic is used to control the firmware upgrade process between the device that will be updated and the device that performs the update it is a write only attribute to the control can only made by the device that performs the update.
OTA Data Characteristic: 984227f3-34fc-4045-a5d0-2c581f81a153
The data cahracteristic is on the other hand used to transmit the data from the device that performs the update to the device that is being updated.
iPhone App:
In order to access the features of the BLE-Shield v3.0.0 such as controlling baud rate and the serial port the iPhone App BLExplr is recommended.
Design Files and Firmware:
The Schematic, Boardfiles and Firmware sources available at Michael Kroll’s githubrepository.
A detailed description about the services and characteristics can be found at Michael Kroll’s Blog or at the before mentioned github repository.
Please visit the authors BLE-Shield v3.0.0 Blog or Dr. Michael Kroll’s Mobile Computing Forum about the BLE-Shield v3.0.0.

Technical Details

Dimensions 105mm x 110mm x 22.5mm
Weight G.W 24g    
Battery Exclude


基於 Bluegiga BLE113 模組的盾構 v3.0。0
藍牙低能量盾 v3.0.0 為 Arduino 是一個盾牌, 使 Arduino 專案與藍牙4.0 啟用的智慧手機和平板電腦通信。版本3.0.0 的盾有一些偉大的新功能, 使它更好, 更容易, 更多功能的使用, 甚至更便宜的你得到一個。
  • 基於 Bluegiga 的 BLE113 M256K 藍牙4.0 單模相容模組
  • 開源硬體和固件
  • 沒有在目標平臺上操作模組所需的庫
  • 相容已啟用的智慧手機和平板電腦
  • 可配置 UART 引腳 RX, TX, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 和13
  • 可配置的中斷引腳 2, 3 和 7, 這是設置高的, 一旦與盾連接
  • Baudrates 9600 (預設值), 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, 112500 可以使用特徵進行更改
  • 重定開關現在重定的 Arduino 板和基礎的主機板。
  • 支援 OTA 固件更新, 例如使用 BLEGUI2 工具從 Bluegiga 或m. 克羅的 BLExplr iPhone 應用程式
v3.0.0 B4BDB998-8F4A-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F 服務
藍牙設備位址 (讀取): B4BDB998-8F4B-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
波特 (讀, 寫): B4BDB998-8F4C-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
  • 0x00 = 9600 波特 (預設)
  • 0x01 = 14400 波特
  • 0x02 = 19200 波特
  • 0x03 = 28800 波特
  • 0x04 = 38400 波特
  • 0x05 = 57600 波特
  • 0x06 = 112500 波特
波特設置被寫入到 BLE113 模組的內部儲存體中, 因此即使您從模組中刪除電源, 該設置也會持續。在重新開機模組或重新設置電源後的下一個引導週期中, 將從快閃記憶體中恢復波特。因此, 無需在每次為模組供電時重新配置該防護罩。
啟用連接指示燈 (讀取、寫入): B4BDB998-8F4D-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
這一新的特點是用來改變行為的藍色發光二極體的盾, 這表明了連接狀態的祝福盾。
  • 0x00 = 指示燈未用於指示連接 (預設)
  • 0xFF = 指示燈用於指示連接。
所以, 如果你使用的是第一次的時候, 不要擔心 LED 是否在連接時打開。預設情況下它是關閉的。為了使用 LED, 您需要先將特性更改為0xFF。這一設置也被保留到了守護罩的快閃記憶體中, 因此設置在電源和重定週期之間仍然保持不變。
資料 (寫, 表示): B4BDB998-8F4E-45F6-A407-6B48D79CFC2F
該資料的特點是新的 v3.0.0 盾。如果您連接的是一台 ios 設備, 並且您啟用了此特性的指示, 則每當嵌入式設備將串列資料發送到 TX pin 上的保護罩時, 就會指示 ios 設備。如果您將 iOS 設備上的資料寫入到 "祝福盾" 上, 則資料將發送到 "保護盾" 的 RX 針腳上。
BlueGiga OTA 服務-1d14d6ee-fd63-4fa1-bfa4-8f47b42119f0
這是在 Bluegiga 上實現的 OTA 服務, 它在應用程式說明: 實現 OTA 固件升級中進行了描述。
OTA 控制特性: f7bf3564-fb6d-4e53-88a4-5e37e0326063
OTA 控制點特性用於控制將被更新的設備與執行更新的設備之間的固件升級過程, 它是只寫入控制項的屬性, 只能由執行更新的設備進行。
OTA 資料特性: 984227f3-34fc-4045-a5d0-2c581f81a153
另一方面, 資料 cahracteristic 用於從對正在更新的設備執行更新的設備傳輸資料。
iPhone 應用程式:
為了訪問 v3.0.0 的功能, 如控制串列傳輸速率和序列埠, 推薦使用iPhone 應用程式 BLExplr
在邁克爾. 克羅的github存儲庫中提供的示意圖、Boardfiles 和固件源。
有關服務和特性的詳細描述可以在邁克爾. 克羅的博客或前面提到的 github 存儲庫中找到。
請訪問作者 v3.0.0博客或 Dr. 邁克爾. 克羅的移動計算論壇關於祝福盾 v3.0.0


尺寸105mm x 110mm x 22.5mm
重量G. W 24g


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