
格羅夫通用4針到 Beaglebone 藍色6針女性 JST/SH 轉換電纜 (10 pcs 包)

Grove Universal 4 Pin to Beaglebone Blue 6 Pin Female JST/SH Conversion Cable (10 pcs pack)


Accessories for Grove


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The Beaglebone series are one of the most famous open source development board in the world. Previously we have developed the Grove cape for Beaglebone Series, it makes most Beaglebone board reachable to the great Grove system which includes more than 150+ different kind of modules such as sensors, displays, actuactors etc. However the Beaglebone Blue has very different layout from most of the other Beaglebone board, which makes it not possible using the Grove cape to connect Grove modules. That's why we make this cable - Grove Universal 4 Pin to Beaglebone Blue 6 Pin Female JST/SH Conversion Cable (10 pcs pack).

It is a conversion cable specially make for using Grove with Beaglebone Blue via GPIO and ADC, on one side is the Grove Universal 4 Pin connector, on the other side is Beaglebone Blue 6 pin JST/SH connector. We also provide Grove Universal 4 Pin to Beaglebon Blue 4 pin Conversion Cable, please clcik here to buy.

Technical Details

Weight G.W 30g    
Battery Exclude

Part List

Grove Universal 4 Pin to Beaglebone Blue 6 Pin Female JST/SH Conversion Cable (10 pcs pack) 10


Beaglebone 系列是世界上最著名的開源開發板之一。以前我們開發了格羅夫 Beaglebone 系列, 它使大多數 Beaglebone 板可到達的大格羅夫系統, 其中包括超過 150 + 不同類型的模組, 如感應器, 顯示器, actuactors 等。然而, Beaglebone 藍與其他 Beaglebone 板的佈局非常不同, 這使得使用格羅夫角連接格羅夫模組成為可能。這就是為什麼我們使這個電纜格羅夫通用4針到 Beaglebone 藍色6針女性 JST/SH 轉換電纜 (10 pcs 包)。


這是一個轉換電纜專門為使用 Beaglebone 藍通過 GPIO 和 ADC, 一邊是格羅夫通用4針連接器, 另一邊是 Beaglebone 藍6針 JST/SH 連接器。我們還提供格羅夫通用4針到 Beaglebon 藍色4針轉換電纜, 請 clcik這裡購買。




重量 G. W 30g
電池 排除


格羅夫通用4針到 Beaglebone 藍色6針女性 JST/SH 轉換電纜 (10 pcs 包) 10


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