
GrovePi+ Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi

  • 7 digital Ports
  • 3 analoge Ports
  • 3 I2C ports
  • 1 Serial port connect to GrovePi
  • 1 Serial port connect to Raspberry Pi
  • Grove header Vcc output Voltage: 5Vdc


SKU 即原廠標號

2,800 (含營業稅)


我們是 SeeedStudio 原廠授權台灣代理商 MCUapps!

鄭重向您推薦 2015 最新款 GrovePi+ 基本傳感器套件組合包

您是按照玩 Arduino 的邏輯在使用 Raspberry Pi 來做傳感器實驗嗎?Raspberry Pi 一片要價上千元,晶片與線路都相當精巧複雜,不似一般 Arduino「簡單」、「粗勇」,做 I/O 實驗當然要選擇 GrovePi+ 來進行適當的「隔離」、「防呆」、與「擴充」,以便您能快速直接插拔、同時也能妥善保護您心愛的 Raspberry Pi 主板。

說明:所謂 Grove 是 Maker 大廠 SeeedStudio 制定的簡單連接介面,採用標準的 4-pin JST 2.0mm 白色插座與插頭,足以用於絕大多數類比、數位訊號、ADC/DAC 的基本量測與控制,同時也可作為常用串列協議 I2C 與 UART 的載體。

本套件內有一片擴充板及 12 件傳感器或模組,亦可向 MCUapps 洽購更多功能的 SeeedStudio Grove 系列傳感器模組來搭配。

  1. Raspberry Pi Grove 傳感器擴充板
  2. RGB 16 x 2 炫彩背光 LCD
  3. 聲音傳感器
  4. 溫濕度傳感器
  5. 亮度傳感器
  6. 旋轉角度傳感器
  7. 超音波測距傳感器
  8. 紅色 LED 模組
  9. 綠色 LED 模組
  10. 藍色 LED 模組
  11. 繼電器
  12. 蜂嗚器
  13. 按鍵開關
  14. 傳感器接線 x10
  15. 使用手冊
  16. 收納盒


GrovePi is a system that brings Grove Sensors to the Raspberry Pi.

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GrovePi+ is a new version of GrovePi.
It adds support for the newly RaspberryPi Model B+ and Model A+.
There are three mounting holes can perfect match all version of Raspberry Pi.
Camera cable outlet hole.
It also improves the voltage level converting sub circuits.


  • 7 digital Ports
  • 3 analoge Ports
  • 3 I2C ports
  • 1 Serial port connect to GrovePi
  • 1 Serial port connect to Raspberry Pi
  • Grove header Vcc output Voltage: 5Vdc

Get Started

Welcome to the Quickstart Guide to the GrovePi+.
If you want to know more about how it works, you can find all the design files in the designer's Github Repository.

Connect the GrovePi to the Raspberry Pi

First, mount your GrovePi on the Raspberry Pi. The GrovePi slides over top of the Raspberry Pi as shown in the picture below.

GrovePi+ wiki 3.jpg

GrovePi Wiki 1.JPG

Ensure that the pins are properly aligned when stacking the GrovePi.

Setup the Software on the Raspberry Pi

Next we will install the software on the Raspberry Pi. There are two options for installation:

  • You can use our BrickPi Image.
  • Use your own image. If you already have your own flavor of linux running on the Raspberry Pi, you can use our bash script to setup for the GrovePi.

1. Using the BrickPi Image

 git clone https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi.git

2. Configuring your own image

  • Clone the Github repository at an appropriate location
 git clone https://github.com/DexterInd/GrovePi.git
  • Run the bash script in the Scripts folder to configure the Raspbian. here is the tutorial for setting up with the Script.
  • Restart the Raspberry Pi and start using the Grove Pi.

Testing the GrovePi

Once you have your Raspberry Pi configured to work with the GrovePi, it's time to see it in action.
We have developed three simple projects to illustrate how the GrovePi works.

Supported Products

Grove List

See Also

Designer's web site: Dexterindustries
Download the pdf file about setting up the softerware: Setting_Up_Software_for_GrovePi.pdf



GrovePi+ are compatible with Pi 2, please check the details from Dexterblog.
This product was replaced by a updated versionGrovePi+ Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi (CE certified) (110060161).


Carrying a GrovePi+ board together with 12 carefully selective Grove sensors with 10 pieces cables , this starter kit gets you up and running with the Raspberry Pi quickly. Just slip the GrovePi+ board over your Raspberry Pi and connect sensors to the board, you’re ready to start hardware playing and prototyping with the powerful platform.

About The GrovePi+, It is stacked on top of the Raspberry Pi without the need for any other connections. Communication between the two occurs over the I2C interface. All Grove modules connect to the universal Grove connectors on the GrovePi+ shield via the universal 4 pin connector cable.

About Grove modules, which work on analog and digital signals, connect directly to the ATMEGA328 microcontroller on the Grove Pi+. The microcontroller acts as an interpreter between the Raspberry Pi and the Grove sensors. It sends, receives, and executes commands sent by the RaspberryPi.

The GrovePi+ is compatible with Raspberry Pi A+,B,B+/2.

Please be notice: The Raspberry Pi board is not included.

What's include?

grovepikit6.jpg Grove pi+ X1 grovepikit10.jpg Grove - Rotary Angle Sensor X1
grovepikit4.jpg Grove - sound Sensor X1 grovepikit11.jpg Grove-LCD RGB Backlight X1
grovepikit5.jpg Grove - Temperature&Humidity X1 grovepikit12.jpg Grove - red led X1
grovepikit6.jpg Grove - light sensor X1 grovepikit13.jpg Grove Buzzer X1
grovepikit7.jpg Grove -Relay X1 grovepikit14.jpg Grove blue led X1
grovepikit8.jpg Grove - Button X1 grovepikit15.jpg Grove green led X1
grovepikit9.jpg Grove - UItrasonic Ranger X1

Grovepi+Guidebook X1

Cables X10



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