


Qwiic Water-Resistant OLED




We took the Micro OLED and encapsulated it to make it water-resistant. Why? So your fish can watch TV.

The Qwiic Water-Resistant OLED is a small monochrome, blue-on-black OLED fully encapsulated in clear silicone. The OLED display is crisp and you can fit a deceivingly large amount of graphics on there. The encapsulant reduces visibility a little but when submerged in water it disappears. This product is perfect for adding a graphical display to a project exposed to the outdoors or harsh environments. We’ve tested the product in 12" of water for 24 hours and not had problems however we don’t recommend submerging the display for extended (more than 24 hours) lengths of time.

The water-resistant encapsulant means we’ve had to permanently set the OLED display to I2C with a fixed I2C address. If you need an SPI interface checkout our OLED Breakout. If you need to drive multiple Qwiic Water-Resistant displays checkout our Qwiic Mux. In I2C mode, this OLED runs significantly slower than it does in SPI mode. However, it is still a useful and versatile display for low data rate imaging. Displaying current readings from a variety of sensors? Great! Playing a high-speed, side-scrolling video game? Not so much.

The Qwiic Water-Resistant OLED comes with a 500mm cable permanently attached to the display with strong stress relief. There are two mounting holes available as well that can be easily cleared out if needed.

The Qwiic system enables fast and solderless connection between popular platforms and various sensors and actuators. You can read more about the Qwiic system here. We carry 50mm, 100mm, 200mm, 500mm, and breadboard friendly Qwiic cables.

We do not plan to regularly produce SparkX products so get them while they’re hot!

Experimental Product: SparkX products are rapidly produced to bring you the most cutting edge technology as it becomes available. These products are tested but come with no guarantees. Live technical support is not available for SparkX products. Head on over to our forum for support or to ask a question.


  • Water-resistant OLED display
  • Operating Voltage: 3.3V
  • Operating Current: 10mA (20mA max)
  • Screen Size: 64x48 pixels (0.66" Across)
  • Monochrome Blue-on-Black
  • I2C Interface
  • 500mm Qwiic cable attached for fast connection and optional daisy-chaining



Qwiic防水OLED是一種小型單色,藍黑色OLED,完全封裝在透明矽中。 OLED顯示屏很清晰,您可以在這裡貼上大量的圖形。密封劑降低了可見度,但是當淹沒在水中時,其消失。該產品非常適合向暴露於戶外或惡劣環境的項目添加圖形顯示。我們已經在12“的水中測試了該產品24小時,沒有問題,但是我們不建議將顯示屏浸沒在延長(超過24小時)的時間內。

防水密封劑意味著我們必須將OLED顯示屏永久性地固定為具有固定I2C地址的I2C。如果您需要一個SPI接口檢查我們的OLED突圍 。如果您需要驅動多個Qwiic防水顯示器,請查看我們的Qwiic Mux 。在I2C模式下,這種OLED的運行速度明顯慢於SPI模式。然而,它仍然是低數據速率成像的有用和通用顯示。從各種傳感器顯示當前讀數?大!玩高速的側滾式視頻遊戲?沒那麼多。


Qwiic系統可實現流行平台和各種傳感器和執行器之間的快速無焊接連接。您可以在這裡閱讀有關Qwiic系統的更多信息。我們攜帶50mm100mm200mm500mm麵包板友好的 Qwicic電纜。


實驗產品: SparkX產品快速生產,為您帶來最先進的技術。這些產品經過測試,但不保證。 SparkX產品不支持實時技術支持。轉到我們的論壇尋求支持或提出問題。


  • 防水OLED顯示屏
  • 工作電壓:3.3V
  • 工作電流:10mA(最大20mA)
  • 屏幕尺寸:64x48像素(0.66“橫跨)
  • 單色藍黑色
  • I 2 C接口
  • 500mm Qwic電纜連接用於快速連接和可選菊花鏈



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