

SparkFun IMU突圍 - MPU-9250

SparkFun IMU Breakout - MPU-9250




The SparkFun MPU-9250 IMU Breakout features the latest 9-axis MEMS sensor from InvenSense. Each of these 9DoF breakouts feature an MPU-9250 with a System in Package (SiP) that combines two chips: the MPU-6500, which contains a 3-axis gyroscope as well as a 3-axis accelerometer, and the AK8963, which features a 3-axis magnetometer. This breakout has been designed to be smaller than some of our other offerings to fit in smaller projects. However, if you plan to use a breadboard, or secure the IMU board to a project with something like epoxy, the mounting holes can be easily snapped off.

To achieve its smaller size, the MPU-9250 Breakout features PTH pins that have been wrapped around the border of the PCB in three rows of three or four. The top row (J1) is all one needs to get the most functionality out of the IMU. These include the I2C and power interface. The second most likely to be used set of PTHs are found along the bottom (J3). This includes the address pin, the interrupt pin, and the IO voltage supply for easy interface with a more modern 1.8V processor. The third, a non-breadboard-compatible row (J2), is used for features like running other I2C devices as slaves to this one. For prototyping with these connections, throw your connections on top as you would with an Arduino Pro Mini or similar product.

The MPU-9250 replaces the popular EOL MPU-9150 and decreases power consumption by 44 percent. According to InvenSense, “Gyro noise performance is 3x better, and compass full-scale range is over 4x better than competitive offerings.” The MPU-9250 uses 16-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) for digitizing all nine axes, making it a very stable 9 Degrees of Freedom board.

Get Started with the MPU-9250 Breakout Guide


  • Digital-output X-, Y-, and Z-axis angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) with a user-programmable full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1,000 and ±2,000°/sec and integrated 16-bit ADCs
  • Digital-output triple-axis accelerometer with a programmable full-scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g and integrated 16-bit ADCs
  • 3-axis silicon monolithic Hall-effect magnetic sensor with magnetic concentrator
  • Digitally programmable low-pass Gyroscope filter
  • Gyroscope operating current: 3.2mA
  • Accelerometer normal operating current: 450µA
  • Magnetometer normal operating current: 280µA at 8Hz repetition rate
  • VDD supply voltage range of 2.4 – 3.6V
  • Small board design
  • Detachable mounting holes



在SparkFun MPU-9250 IMU突圍特色從InvenSense公司最新的九軸MEMS傳感器。每個這些9DoF突破的設有一個MPU-9250,在結合兩個芯片封裝(SiP)一個系統:在MPU-6500,其中包含一個3軸陀螺儀以及一個3軸加速度計,和AK8963,其特點一個3軸磁力計。這個突破已經被設計為小於我們的一些其他產品,以適應較小的項目。然而,如果你打算使用麵包板,或IMU板類似環氧樹脂固定到一個項目中,安裝孔,可以很容易折斷。

為了實現其更小的尺寸後,MPU-9250突圍功能已在三行三或四的被纏在PCB的邊界PTH引腳。最上面一行(J1)是所有的人需要得到最多的功能了IMU的。這些措施包括I 2 C和電源接口。第二個最有可能被使用的組鍍通孔被沿底部(J3)找到。這包括地址引腳,中斷銷,並用更多的現代1.8V處理器便於接口在IO電源電壓。第三,非實驗電路板兼容行(J2),用於功能,如運行其他I 2 C設備的奴隸這一個。對於這些連接原型,把你的連接在上面,你會與一個Arduino的專業小型或類似的產品。

在MPU-9250取代了流行的EOL MPU-9150和44%的能耗降低。據InvenSense公司,“陀螺噪聲性能的3倍更好,指南針滿量程範圍超過4倍比同類產品更好。”該MPU-9250採用16位模擬數字轉換器(ADC),用於數字化所有九個軸,使其成為一個非常穩定的9自由度板。



  • 數字輸出X,Y,和Z軸角速度傳感器(陀螺儀),具有±250的用戶可編程滿量程,±500±1000和±2000℃/秒和集成的16位ADC
  • 數字輸出三軸加速度計±2克可編程的滿量程範圍,±4G,±8g和±16G和集成的16位ADC
  • 3軸矽單片霍爾效應與磁性集中器的磁傳感器
  • 數字可編程低通濾波器陀螺
  • 陀螺儀工作電流:3.2毫安
  • 加速度傳感器正常工作電流:450μA
  • 磁力儀正常工作電流:280μA以8Hz的重複率
  • 2.4 VDD電源電壓範圍 - 3.6V
  • 小板設計
  • 可拆卸的安裝孔



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