


Servo Expansion Board for Onion Omega




The Servo Expansion Board adds 16 PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) outputs to your Omega. With this expansion, you will be able to get started with your project quickly by connecting standard servos directly to the onboard 3-pin connectors. You can use this little board for anything with moving parts, such as robotics or driving DC motors. You can also make a light show with LEDs by controlling their brightness!

Each Servo Expansion Board has a built-in oscillator that is used to generate PWM signals with frequencies in the range of 24Hz to 1526Hz. The generated PWM signals are free running, so once you set the desired duty cycle of a channel, the signal will be continuously generated without any further commands. Each of the PWM channels are programmed independently to desired duty cycles or all at once to the same duty cycle. A single command can disable the oscillator’s output to quickly disable all of the PWM outputs at once.

Power the Servo Expansion by plugging it into a dock that will supply 5V to the 16 PWM channels, which should be enough power for a multitude of LEDs or a few servos under a light load. If you’re using more than two servos or a few really powerful one, there is an included DC barrel jack adapter on the expansion board to accept a separate power supply. The PWM signal will be stepped up to the voltage coming in from the barrel jack. The Omega and dock’s 5V line is isolated from the DC barrel jack for protection, so you’ll still have to provide power to your Omega.

The Onion Omega boards we carry are separated into three different categories: Mainboard, Dock and Expansion Board. This board falls into the Expansion Board category, meaning you will need an Omega Dock that is equipped with a 30-pin Expansion Header like the Expansion Dock or Arduino Dock R2.


  • Number of Channels: 16
  • PWM Signal Resolution: 12 bits resulting in a 4.9usec resolution at 50Hz
  • Minimum PWM Signal Frequency: 24Hz
  • Maximum PWM Signal Frequency: 1526Hz
  • 30-pin Expansion Pins





通過將伺服擴展插入到將為16個PWM通道提供5V電壓的塢站來供電,這對於多個LED或輕負載下的幾個舵機來說應該是足夠的電力。如果您使用的是兩個以上的伺服器或幾個功能強大的伺服器,則擴展板上有一個附帶的DC桶插孔適配器,可以接受單獨的電源。 PWM信號將升高到從筒式插孔進入的電壓。歐米茄和碼頭的5V線路與DC桶式插孔隔離,以保護您,因此您仍然必須為Omega提供電源。

我們攜帶的洋蔥歐米茄板分為三大類: 主板底座擴展板 。該板屬於擴展板類別,這意味著您將需要配備擴展塢Arduino Dock R2的30針擴展接頭的Omega Dock。


  • 頻道數量:16
  • PWM信號分辨率:12位,在50Hz時達到4.9usec分辨率
  • 最小PWM信號頻率:24Hz
  • 最大PWM信號頻率:1526Hz
  • 30針擴展引腳



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