

SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍

SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout




If you’re ready to step your Arduino game up from older 8-bit/16MHz microcontrollers, the SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout is a great landing spot. The SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout is an Arduino-sized breakout for the Atmel ATSAMD21G18, a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ processor with 256KB flash, 32KB SRAM, and an operating speed of up to 48MHz. This dev breakout provides you with an Arduino hardware option that solves the problems of low storage limits and dynamic memory stack overflows that have plagued the previous iterations of the Arduino family. Yes, the SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout is even fully supported in the Arduino IDE and libraries for the Arduino Zero!

The SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout has been equipped with a USB interface for programming and power, surrounded with an RTC crystal, and a 600mA 3.3V regulator. By utilizing the Pro R3’s extra PCB real-estate we’ve been able to leave room for a few extra GPIO pins and an integrated LiPo charger. To power the SAMD21 Breakout board, just plug it into a USB port on your computer via the micro-B port on the breakout. Not near a USB port? No problem, the SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout is also equipped with a LiPo Battery connector (for a single-cell 3.7-4.2V litium-polymer battery) and unpopluated supply input to solder on your own PTH Barrel Jack (please be aware that the 3D model that we have on file does show a barrel jack attached, this is only for dimensional use since this breakout does not come with one attached). If you’ve used any Arduino before, this pinout shouldn’t surprise you – the layout meets the Arduino 1.0 footprint standard, including a separate SPI header and additional I2C header.

One of the most unique features of the SAMD21 is SERCOM – a set of six configurable serial interfaces that can be turned into either a UART, I2C master, I2C slave, SPI master, or SPI slave. Each SERCOM provides for a lot of flexibility: the ports can be multiplexed, giving you a choice of which task each pin is assigned.

The on-line SAMD21 Mini/Dev Breakout Hookup Guide (in the Documents section below) contains step by step instructions of how to connect your SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout as well as a few circuit examples to test out. Full example code is provided and explained and even includes troubleshooting tips to make make you have zero problems.

Note: The breakout does NOT have headers or a 2.1mm barrel jack installed and will need to purchased and soldered on yourself. Check the Recommended Products section below for the type of headers we use in the Hookup Guide!


  • ATSAMD21G18 32-bit/48MHz ARM Cortex-M0+
  • 256KB Flash Memory
  • 32KB SRAM
  • 32KB of EEPROM (emulated in Flash)
  • 30 GPIO Count
  • 14 ADC Channels at 12-bit Resolution
  • Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters (ADC & DAC)
  • Vin: 4.2V-6.0V for charger - otherwise 3.5V-6.0V
  • VBATT: 3.7V Lipo
  • VCC: 600mA @3.3V
  • Arduino R3 Layout
  • Integrated USB Controller



如果你準備步驟你的Arduino遊戲從舊的8位/ 16MHz的微控制器,該SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍是一個偉大的著陸點。在SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍是愛特梅爾ATSAMD21G18一個Arduino規模的突破,一個32位的ARM Cortex-M0 +處理器,擁有256KB的閃存,32KB SRAM,以及高達頻率48MHz的運行速度。此開發的突破為您提供了解決了一直困擾Arduino的家庭以前的迭代較低的存儲限制和動態內存堆棧溢出問題的一個Arduino硬件選項。是的,SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍甚至完全支持Arduino的IDE和庫為Arduino的零!

在SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍已經配備了一個USB接口,用於編程和力量,與RTC水晶包圍,一個600毫安3.3V穩壓器。通過利用臨R3的額外PCB房地產,我們已經能夠留有餘地一些額外的GPIO引腳和一個集成的鋰聚合物電池充電器。要啟動SAMD21突圍板,剛通過的突破微B端口將其插入USB端口,您的計算機上。附近沒有一個USB端口?沒問題,SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍還配備了鋰聚合物電池連接器(用於單節3.7-4.2V litium聚合物電池)和unpopluated電源輸入焊在自己的PTH桶傑克。如果你使用任何的Arduino之前,此引腳應該不會令你感到驚訝-佈局符合Arduino的1.0足跡的標準,其中包括一個獨立的SPI頭和額外的I 2 C頭。

其中一個SAMD21的最獨特的功能是SERCOM -一套六配置的串行接口,可以打開變成一個UART,I2C主機,I 2 C奴隸,SPI主,或SPI奴隸。每個SERCOM提供了很大的靈活性:端口可复用,給你這任務的每個引腳分配的選擇。

在線SAMD21迷你/開發突圍聯播指南(在下面的文件部分)包含了一步的如何連接SparkFun SAMD21開發突圍步說明,以及一些電路示例來測試。完整的例子代碼提供並解釋,甚至包括故障排除提示,以使你擁有零問題。



  • ATSAMD21G18 32位/ 48MHz的ARM的Cortex-M0 +
  • 256KB閃存
  • 32KB SRAM
  • EEPROM的32KB(模擬在Flash)
  • 30 GPIO計數
  • 在12位分辨率的14通道ADC
  • 模擬 - 數字和數字 - 模擬轉換器(ADC&DAC)
  • 輸入電壓:4.2V-6.0V充電器 - 否則3.5V-6.0V
  • VBATT:3.7V鋰聚合物
  • VCC:600毫安@ 3.3V
  • Arduino的R3佈局
  • 集成USB控制器



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