

Software defined radio antenna


Antennas for Wireless


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Introduction :

ChipDesign's tunable antenna for mobile devices consists of a low-profile electronically-tunable electrically-small (18.5 cm long) slot antenna, which allows for improved receiver selectivity1. The tunable antenna can be used in conjunction with software defined radios (SDRs) such as for example the Ettus/NI USRP, the FlexRadio, the FUNcube Dongle, the HackRF and the RTL-SDR.



  • Band coverage:
    • Well-matched (dB20(|S11|)< -10 dB, VSWR < 1.9) frequency bands are the 700 MHz, 866 MHz (ISM), 900 MHz, 1227 MHz (GPS L2), 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz, and 2100 MHz band. For the cellular bands, the full TX band, the duplex gap, and the full RX band are covered, allowing contiguous and non-contiguous intra-band CA with an instantaneous bandwidth up to 100 MHz, if applicable.
    • Poorly-matched (dB20(|S11|)< -6 dB, VSWR < 3) frequency bands are the 433 MHz (ISM) and 450 MHz band for the Seeed version.
    • The presence of the test hardware affects the return loss, as any efficient antenna is sensitive to its surrounding. Return loss measurements were done with the tunable antenna plugged into an Arduino Due and a Seeeduino Lotus micro-controller board, and the results can differ by as much as 100 MHz for the same bias settings. At the edges of the tunable frequency range - i.e. at 400 - 433 MHz and 2.45 - 2.6 GHz, differences in return loss can exist, which can not be compensated anymore by biasing the RF varactor diodes differently.
  • Directivity: The full-space radiating version is recommended for IoT devices and tablets, whereas half-space radiating version, currently under development, is recommended for smartphones in order to meet the SAR specification. A λ0/2 full-space radiator has a directivity of 1.6 dBi, whereas λ0/2 half-space radiator has a directivity of 10log10(π) ≈ 5 dBi.
  • Efficiency: TBD. The bandwidth and efficiency of electrically-small antennas with sufficient instantaneous bandwidth are bounded by the Chu-Harrington limit.
  • Programming: The frequency band can be programmed using three PWM outputs of Arduino micro-controller boards, such as the Arduino Due or the Seeeduino Lotus, or 5 V Arduino shield compatible mbed2 micro-controller boards, such as the u-blox C027.

Tunable elements: 3 RF varactor diodes integrated in the radiating aperture for improved antenna match tuning. The tuning time is limited by the RC constant of the low pass filter on the PWM outputs. The RF varactor diodes do generate spurious emission.


Seeed version - Test hardware influencing the antenna match: Seeeduino Lotus micro-controller board and 10 cm U.FL to SMA adapter.

1. UWB antennas, such as the log-periodic and the Archimedean spiral antenna, are electrically-large and therefore do not allow for MIMO on the handset, and offer no selectivity.

2. 3.3 V mbed micro-controller boards will require 3.3 V to 5 V level shifters to be inserted to bias the varactors up to 5 V and cover the entire tunable frequency range of the tunable antenna.

If you have any technical problem, please contact info [at] chipdesign.be

Technical Details

Dimensions 110mm x 120mm x 8.7mm
Weight G.W 22g    
Battery Exclude

介紹 :

ChipDesign的用於移動設備的可調諧天線由一個低輪廓電可調電小(18.5厘米長)隙縫天線,其允許改進的接收機選擇性的1 。該可調諧天線可以一起使用的軟件定義無線電(SDR),諸如例如Ettus / NI USRP,所述FlexRadio,所述FUNcube加密狗,所述HackRF和RTL-SDR。


  • 波段覆蓋:
    • 旗鼓相當(DB20(| S 11 |)<-10 dB時,VSWR <1.9)的頻段是700兆赫,866兆赫(ISM),900兆赫1227兆赫(GPS L2),1800兆赫,1900MHz的,和2100 MHz頻段。對於蜂窩頻段,充分TX頻段,雙工間隔,並全面RX頻段覆蓋,允許連續和非連續的內部帶CA與瞬時帶寬高達100 MHz,如果適用。
    • 不良匹配(DB20(| S 11 |)<-6 dB時,VSWR <3)頻段是433兆赫(ISM)並為Seeed版本450 MHz頻段。
    • 測試硬件的存在影響的回波損耗,因為任何有效的天線是其周圍的敏感。回波損耗測量使用插入一個Arduino由於和Seeeduino蓮花微控制器板上的調天線完成,其結果可能高達100兆赫相同的偏置設置有所不同。在可調諧的頻率範圍的邊緣 - 即在400 - 433兆赫和2.45 - 2.6 GHz的回波損耗的差異可以存在,這不能由不同的偏壓射頻變容二極管了補償。
  • 方向性:建議物聯網設備和平板電腦的全空間輻射的版本,而半空間輻射的版本,目前正在開發中,被推薦用於智能手機,以滿足特區規範。一λ0/2全空間散熱器有1.6 dBi的的方向性,而λ0/2半空間輻射有10log 10(π)≈5 dBi的方向性。
  • 效率:待定。帶寬和電小天線具有足夠的瞬時帶寬效率由楚哈靈頓限制的約束。
  • 編程:該頻段可使用三種PWM輸出編程的Arduino微控制器板,如Arduino的到期或Seeeduino蓮花,或5 V的Arduino盾兼容mbed 2微控制器板,如U-blox的C027。

可調要素:整合在改進天線匹配調整散熱孔3 RF變容二極管。調諧時間通過在PWM輸出的低通濾波器的RC常數的限制。射頻變容二極管也產生雜散發射。


Seeed版 - 測試硬件影響天線匹配:Seeeduino蓮花微控制器板為10cm U.FL到SMA適配器。


2. 3.3伏mbed微控制器板將要求3.3伏至5伏電平移位器被插入到偏置變容二極管最多5 V和覆蓋該可調諧天線的整個調諧頻率範圍。

如果您有任何技術問題,請聯繫信息[在] chipdesign.be


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