

HydraNFC Shield and HydraNFC Antenna





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The HydraNFC is a NFC shield hardware to sniff, read/write or emulate any 13.56MHz NFC tags (with the help of direct modes) for anyone interested in debugging/hacking/developing for NFC.
It has been designed to be used with HydraBus but can also be used with other MCU (breakout of all TRF7970A I/O).
HydraNFC is as powerful as Proxmark3 hardware (when combined with HydraBus) but smaller, autonomous, more extensible and without requiring an FPGA (all is done in CortexM4 MCU with the help of HydraBus with ultra fast unique algorithm to sniff & decode in real-time PICC/PCD NFC cards).
HydraNFC shield:
 •Pocket size and light weight
 •Autonomous mode (when used with HydraBus) with 4 User buttons and 4 User LEDs
 •Use Texas Instrument TRF7970A NFC chipset with full access to all pins and all modes of TRF7970A through connectors J1/J2/J3
    •The device can perform in one of three modes: RFID and NFC reader, NFC peer, or in card emulation mode
    •Supports Near Field Communication (NFC) Standards NFCIP-1 (ISO/IEC 18092) and NFCIP-2 (ISO/IEC 21481), completely Integrated Protocol Handling for ISO15693, ISO18000-3, ISO14443A/B, and FeliCa, integrated Encoders, Decoders, and Data Framing for NFC Initiator, Active and Passive Target Operation for All Three Bit Rates (106 kbps, 212 kbps, 424 kbps) and Card Emulation
    •Programmable Output Power: +20 dBm (100 mW), +23 dBm (200 mW), programmable System Clock Frequency Output (RF, RF/2, RF/4) from 13.56-MHz Crystal
    •Direct Mode 0: Raw RF Sub-Carrier Data Stream
    •Direct Mode 1:Raw Digital ISO Coded Data Without Protocol Frame
    •ISO Mode: Full ISO Framing and Error Checking (Typical Mode)
 •Support external NFC Antenna with U.FL connector(cable included) or SMA
 •Hardware licence CC BY NC (for commercial licence contact info@hydrabus.com)
 •Size: 54x35x13 mm
HydraNFC Antenna (included with HydraNFC shield):
 •U.FL connector (cable included) or SMA (SMA connector included)
 •High performance, can read Mifare card at up to 8cm (Tested with HydraNFC Shield only)
 •Size: 58x53x4 mm
HydraNFC embedded firmware (requires HydraBus):
 •Use SPI with SS mode for communication between STM32F4 & TRF7970A
 •Virtual Serial Port access through microUSB with VT100 terminal/shell (compatible with any computer supporting USB Virtual Serial port).
Usage of ChibiOS (OS+Drivers) and microrl for VT100 terminal with history, completion and lot of other cool features
 •Basic UID read for Vicinity/ISO15693 (through shell command)
 •Basic UID read for Mifare One card (through shell command)
 •Sniffer mode (NFC protocol analyzer) in autonomous mode for ISO14443A including both PICC and PCD with data logged to microSD card (tested with success with Mifare One NFC).
Sniffer is synchronized with TRF7970A CLK OUT (13.56MHz/4), use DMA double buffer to retrieve in real-time NFC raw bitstream, synchronize and detect (Tag/PICC=miller modified or PCD=manchester) protocol, decode it and format it in ASCII in less than 1us per bit, when user press a button the data are stored in microSD card (data can be also displayed in Terminal).
Example of sniffed output with a Mifare One tag read by a Nexus S phone:
TAG 04 00
    93 20
TAG cd 81 5f 76 65
    93 70 cd 81 5f 76 65 d1 86
TAG 08 b6 dd
Output format in this version:
When it start with 4 space it means Reader/Writer (PCD – Proximity Coupling Device).
When it start with TAG+1 space it means TAG(PICC – Proximity Integrated Circuit Card).
Data are in hexadecimal and only Parity is omitted (will be added later like on Proxmark3 with ! When there is parity error ...), also the CRC_A is not checked
 •HydraBus microSD card to save or load data.
Support of microSD (FAT16/FAT32) card up upto 32GB (tested with SanDisk Extreme 32GB)
For more info and to get started with your HydraNFC, visit the HydraBus/HydraNFC website and for open firmware (HydraBus Required) or hardware for HydraNFC see github.
If you encounter any problems when using this product, contact the technical support.

Technical Details

Weight G.W 33g    
Battery Exclude

該HydraNFC是NFC硬件盾嗅探,讀/寫或模擬任何13.56MHz的NFC標籤(直接模式的幫助下)有興趣的人調試/黑客/ NFC用於開發。
它已被設計為與HydraBus使用,但也可與其它的MCU(所有TRF7970A的I / O的分場)使用。
HydraNFC是Proxmark3硬件(與HydraBus相結合)那樣強大,但更小的,自主的,更多的可擴展性和無需編程的FPGA(一切都在CortexM4 MCU完成與HydraBus的幫助與超快獨特的算法實時嗅探和解碼PICC / PCD NFC卡)。
•使用德州儀器TRF7970A NFC芯片組完全訪問所有引腳和通過連接J1 / J2 / J3 TRF7970A的所有模式
•支持近場通信(NFC)標準NFCIP-1(ISO / IEC 18092)和NFCIP-2(ISO / IEC 21481),完全集成的協議處理為ISO15693,ISO18000-3,ISO14443A / B,和FeliCa,集成編碼器,解碼器,以及數據成幀為NFC發起者,主動和被動目標運行所有三個比特率(106 kbps的,212 kbps的,424 Kbps)和卡仿真
•可編程輸出功率:從13.56 MHz晶振+20 dBm的(100兆瓦),+ 23dBm的(200兆瓦),可編程的系統時鐘頻率輸出(RF,RF / 2,RF / 4)
•硬件許可CC BY NC(商業授權接觸info@hydrabus.com)
ChibiOS(OS +驅動程序)和microrl的用法VT100終端與其他很酷的功能,歷史,完成和很多
•基本UID閱讀近處/ ISO15693(通過shell命令)
•嗅探器模式(NFC協議分析儀)的自主模式為ISO14443A包括PICC和PCD與記錄到microSD卡(帶的Mifare NFC的一個測試成功)的數據。
嗅探器與TRF7970A CLK OUT(13.56MHz的/ 4)同步,使用DMA雙緩衝實時NFC原始比特流進行檢索,同步和檢測(標籤/ PICC =米勒修改或PCD =曼徹斯特)協議,對其進行解碼並對其進行格式化在不到1微秒的每比特中,當用戶按下數據被存儲在microSD卡的按鈕(數據也可以顯示在終端)的ASCII。
用的Mifare標籤的一個由歌Nexus S手機閱讀聞輸出的例子:
TAG 04 00
93 20
TAG CD 5F 81 65 76
93 70 81的CD 5F 76 65 86 D1
TAG 08 B6 DD
當它有4個空格開始就意味著讀/寫(PCD - 緊耦合設備)。
當它與TAG + 1空間啟動它意味著TAG(PICC - 感應集成電路卡)。
•HydraBus microSD卡保存或加載數據。
的microSD(FAT16 / FAT32)卡,最大32GB高達支持(用的SanDisk Extreme 32GB測試)
欲了解更多信息,並開始使用HydraNFC,請訪問HydraBus / HydraNFC網站和開放固件(HydraBus必需)或硬件HydraNFC看github上


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