

Sparki - The Easy Robot for Everyone


Robot kit



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Sparki is an affordable, easy to use, and fun intro to programming, electronics, and robotics. It is geared towards kids elementary-age and above, educators looking for an easy intro to robotics, parents eager to find something affordable but educational and fun, DIY enthusiasts, and more. It is simple enough for beginners, while being feature-packed enough to be a must-have for pro-users. Sparki is your chance to have your very own robot, completely open source and available to do your bidding. Sparki has already been sold in 51 countries.  It has been featured on Fast Company, Boston Globe, MAKE, Kickstarter Staff Pick, Ars Technica and more.  Watch our video demoing Sparki.
The Story
Sparki is ArcBotics’ answer to robotics in education. After our first successful Kickstarter for Hexy the Hexapod, a low-cost open-source Arduino robot designed to be an intro to advanced robotics, we were approached by many who asked, do you have anything for beginners? When we looked around, we saw that other educational robots were very expensive, difficult to use, lacked features, or had closed designs. However, we know that the interest in programming and robotics from people of all ages is enormous. So we thought, why not design an adorable new robot that lets people of all ages enjoy robotics, while offering them a wide range of possibilities, and – most of all – is fun?
The Robot
Sparki works out of the box with its remote control. To write your own programs, just plug it in via USB, install the custom-enhanced Arduino software and try any of the dozens of example programs. We have programs for every sensor and actuator on Sparki:
•1x Ultrasonic distance sensor (get distance from Sparki to walls/objects)
•1x 3-Axis Accelerometer (pick-up detection, fall detection, hill climbing)
•1x 3-Axis Magnetometer (sense the magnetic field around Sparki, coordinate with accelerometer to detect compass heading)
•3x Light-sensing phototransistors (light following, darkness seeking)
•5x Line-following and edge detection sensors (mazes, line follow, sumo)
•1x 128×64 Graphic LCD
•1x RGB LED (RGB = generate any color!)
•1x Buzzer (beeping, booping, and musical tones!)
•1x IR Transmitter (like your TV remote control)
•1x IR Receiver (like your TV)
•1x IR Remote control (lots of buttons to control Sparki with)
•1x TTL Serial port for expansion (talk to an Arduino/Raspberry Pi)
•1x Port for Bluetooth Serial Module (not in all rewards)
•Powered by 4xAA batteries (rechargeable or alkaline)
•2x Geared stepper motors (precise, measured movement down to millimeters/ sub-degrees)
•Marker holder for drawing:
•And textured ABS plastic shell for your choice of decoration:
The Programming
Sparki’s code will be available in both Arduino code (C/C++) and Minibloq drag-and-drop graphical programming, similar to Scratch.  All code will be made for free to users and open-source.
We offer both kinds of programming, because we believe the combination of both allow students to get started at the level they are comfortable.  Many parents and educators have told us that while younger children may prefer to start learning programming graphically through a software Scratch, but ultimately need to graduate to regular text-based programming.  This is why our drag-and-drop programming shows the underlying code alongside each drag-and-drop figure to allow for an easy transition when your learner is ready to take the leap to text-based programming.
Below is a sample of our Arduino text-based programming:
Currently available for:
Windows XP, Visa, Win7 and Win8
Clickhere to learn more about the Minibloq software.
The Arduino code will be available at the December launch. We are working on launching the drag-and-drop programming at the same time, but the launch date may come a little later (e.g., early 2014).
More Information


If you have any further question for technical support, please contact help(at)arcbotics.com.

Technical Details

Dimensions 170mm x 135mm x 105mm
Weight G.W 584g    
Battery Exclude


Sparki 是一個負擔得起, 便於使用, 並有趣的介紹程式設計, 電子和機器人。它是針對兒童的基本年齡和以上, 教育家尋找一個簡單的入門機器人, 父母渴望找到一些負擔得起的, 但教育和樂趣, DIY 愛好者, 等等。對於初學者來說, 這是很簡單的, 而對於專業使用者來說, 這是一個必須具備的功能。Sparki 是你的機會有你自己的機器人, 完全開放的來源, 並可以做你的出價。Sparki 已經在51國家銷售。 它已在快速公司, 波士頓環球, 製作, Kickstarter 員工採摘, Ars 技術和更多的特色。 觀看我們的視頻 demoing Sparki
Sparki 是 ArcBotics 對教育機器人的回答。在我們的第一個成功的 Kickstarter 為Hexy的六足, 一個低成本的開源 Arduino 機器人設計為先進的機器人入門, 我們接觸了許多誰問, 你有什麼初學者?當我們環顧四周, 我們看到, 其他教育機器人是非常昂貴, 難以使用, 缺乏功能, 或有封閉的設計。然而, 我們知道, 對程式設計和機器人的興趣, 從各個年齡的人是巨大的。所以我們想, 為什麼不設計一個可愛的新機器人, 讓所有年齡段的人都能享受機器人, 同時為他們提供各種各樣的可能性, 而且--最重要的--是有趣的?
Sparki 用遙控器控制盒子的工作。要編寫您自己的程式, 只需通過 USB 外掛程式, 安裝自訂增強的 Arduino 軟體, 並嘗試其中的許多示常式序。我們有 Sparki 的每個感應器和執行器的程式:
·1x 超聲波測距感應器 (從 Sparki 到牆壁/物體的距離)
· 1x 3 軸加速度計 (拾取檢測、跌落檢測、爬坡)
· 1x 3 軸磁力儀 (感應 Sparki 周圍的磁場, 與加速度計協調以檢測羅盤方向)
·3x 光感應光電 (光跟隨, 黑暗尋求)
·5x 線跟蹤和邊緣檢測感應器 (迷宮、線跟蹤、相撲)
· 1x 128×64圖形液晶顯示
· 1x rgb LED (rgb = 生成任何顏色!
·1x 蜂鳴器 (蜂鳴音、booping、音樂鈴聲)
·1x 紅外發射器 (像您的電視遙控器)
·1x 紅外接收器 (如您的電視)
·1x 紅外線遙控 (大量的按鈕控制 Sparki)
· 1x TTL 序列埠用於擴展 (與 Arduino/覆盆子 Pi)
·用於藍牙串列模組的1x 埠 (不是所有的獎勵)
•Powered 4xAA 電池 (可充電或鹼性)
·2x 齒輪步進電機 (精確, 測量的移動到毫米/分度)
圖紙•Marker 持有人:
而質感 ABS 塑膠外殼為您的選擇裝飾:
Sparki 的代碼將可在 Arduino 代碼 (c/c++) 和 Minibloq 拖放圖形程式設計, 類似于劃痕。 所有的代碼將免費為使用者和開源。
我們提供這兩種程式設計方式, 因為我們相信兩者的結合可以讓學生在舒適的水準上起步。 許多家長和教育工作者告訴我們, 雖然年幼的孩子可能更喜歡通過軟體從頭開始學習程式設計, 但最終還是需要以常規的文本程式設計為基礎。 這就是為什麼我們的拖放程式設計在每個拖放圖形旁邊顯示底層代碼, 以便當您的學習者準備好跳到基於文本的程式設計時, 可以輕鬆過渡。
下面是我們的 Arduino 基於文本的程式設計示例:
Windows XP, 簽證, Win7 和 Win8
按一下此處以瞭解有關 Minibloq 軟體的更多資訊。
Arduino 代碼將在12月發佈時提供。我們正致力於同時啟動拖放程式設計, 但發佈日期可能會晚點 (例如, 早 2014)。


如果您還有任何技術支援問題, 請聯繫説明 (at) arcbotics. com


尺寸170mm x 135mm x 105mm
重量G. W 584g


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