RGB LED always bring us vivid and magic light effect, especially when there are a large number of LEDs shining together. However it is not easy to connect all the LEDs together if you want to build such LED projects. Why not have a try with Seeed’s Grove- Chainable RGB LED V2.0.
Grove-Chainable RGB LED V2.0 is based on P9813S14 chip. This chip is a full-color light source driver chip that can provide three constant current driver and 256 greyscale modulation output. The key word of this product is “Chainable”, so how many LEDs can it be chained? By connecting the output grove connector of one LED to the input grove connector of another one, you are able to chain 1024 RGB LEDs at most!
If you have experience using Grove-Chainable RGB LED V1.0, you will find that V2.0 is a bit longer than V1.0. In V2.0, because we adjust the grove connectors to be parallel with the board instead of vertical, so that the cable don’t need to be crooked.
Dimensions | 40mm x 20mm x 15mm |
Weight | G.W 11g |
Battery | Exclude |
Input voltage | 5V |
Working temperature | -40 – 85℃ |
Max working current | 60mA |
Max Chained LED Quantity: | 1024 |
256 greyscale modulation output |
Grove – Chainable RGB Led V2.0 | 1 |
Grove Cable | 1 |
Wiki of Grove – Chainable RGB Led V2.0
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RGB LED總是給我們帶來生動和魔法的光線效果,特別是當有大量LED照明在一起時。但是,如果要構建這樣的LED項目,將所有LED連接起來並不容易。為什麼不嘗試Seeed的Grove可連接RGB LED V2.0。
Grove-Chainable RGB LED V2.0是基於P9813S14芯片的。該芯片是全彩色驅動芯片,可提供三個恆流驅動器和256個灰階調製輸出。該產品的關鍵詞是“可鏈接”,所以可以鏈接多少個LED?通過將一個LED的輸出格柵連接器連接到另一個LED的輸入溝槽連接器,您最多可以鏈接1024個RGB LED!
如果您有使用Grove-Chainable RGB LED V1.0的經驗,您會發現V2.0比V1.0有點長。在V2.0中,由於我們調整Grove連接器與板而不是垂直線,因此電纜不需要彎曲。