
MicroPython pyboard精簡版V1.0與加速度計和頭

MicroPython pyboard lite v1.0 with accelerometer and headers





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The pyboard is a compact and powerful electronics development board that runs MicroPython. It connects to your PC over USB, giving you a USB flash drive to save your Python scripts, and a serial Python prompt (a REPL) for instant programming. Requires a micro USB cable. Works with Windows, Mac and Linux.

This board comes with headers soldered, as in the pictures above. These headers are compatible with standard 0.65mm square male pins (Arduino style).

MicroPython is a complete re-write of the Python (version 3.4) programming language so that it fits and runs on a microcontroller. It includes many optimisations so that it runs efficiently and uses very little RAM.

MicroPython runs bare-metal on the pyboard, and essentially gives you a Python operating system. The built-in pyb module contains functions and classes to control the peripherals available on the board, such as UART, I2C, SPI, ADC and DAC. 

There are 3 main ways to control the pyboard:

  • REPL: Connecting to your PC via USB, the board appears as a USB virtual comms port (CDC VCP) and you can use any serial program to connect and get a Python REPL prompt. This allows you to instantly type and execute Python commands, just like you would when running Python on your PC. You can also redirect the REPL to any of the UARTs on the pyboard.

  • Remote script: You can change from REPL to raw REPL mode by sending ctrl-A, and then in raw REPL mode you can send an arbitrary Python script to the board for it to execute immediately. A Python script is available which makes using this mode very simple: you just run python pyboard.py script_to_run.py and this will execute script_to_run.py on the pyboard, returning any output.

  • From file: The pyboard has a small, built-in filesystem which lives in part of the flash memory of the microcontroller. It also has an SD card slot if you want to extend the available storage. When you connect the pyboard to your PC, it appears as a USB flash storage device and you can access (mount) the internal filesystem and the SD card this way. If you copy a Python script to the filesystem and call it main.py then the board will execute this script when it starts up. This way you can run scripts without being connected to a PC.

If you copy a Python script to the filesystem and call it main.py then the board will execute this script when it starts up. This way you can run scripts without being connected to a PC.


  • STM32F411RE microcontroller

  • 96 MHz Cortex M4 CPU with hardware floating point

  • 512KiB flash ROM and 128KiB RAM

  • Micro USB connector for power and serial communication

  • Micro SD card slot, supporting standard and high capacity SD cards

  • 24 GPIO on left and right edges and 5 GPIO on bottom row, plus LED and switch GPIO available on bottom row

  • 1x 12-bit analog to digital converter, available on 16 pins, 4 with analog ground shielding

  • 4 LEDs (red, green, yellow and blue)

  • 1 reset and 1 user switch

  • On-board 3.3V LDO voltage regulator, capable of supplying up to 250mA, input voltage range 3.6V to 16V

  • DFU bootloader in ROM for easy upgrading of firmware

The two mounting tabs on the pyboard have perforations so that you can snap them off cleanly if needed.

Clickhere for references, schematics, and more documentation on the MicroPython.


MicroUSB cable not included, but you can pick one up from the store!

Part List.jpg

1 x MicroPython pyboard lite v1.0 with accelerometer and headers  

Technical Details

Dimensions 120mm x 60mm x 15mm
Weight G.W 17g    
Battery Exclude

Part List

MicroPython pyboard lite v1.0 with accelerometer and headers 1







  • REPL: 通過USB連接到您的電腦,主板顯示為USB虛擬通信端口(CDC VCP),你可以使用任何串行程序連接,並得到一個Python REPL提示。這讓你瞬間輸入和執行Python命令,就像你將你的PC上運行的Python的時候。您也可以重定向REPL任何對pyboard中的UART。

  • 遠程腳本: 您可以通過發送CTRL-A從REPL改變原始REPL模式,然後在原REPL模式,您可以發送任意的Python腳本到板為它立即執行。 Python腳本可用,這使得使用這種模式很簡單:您只需運行python pyboard.py script_to_run.py,這將在pyboard執行script_to_run.py,返回任何輸出。

  • 從文件: 該pyboard具有體積小,內置的文件系統,它生活在微控制器的閃存的一部分。如果你想擴展的可用存儲它還具有一個SD卡插槽。當您將pyboard連接到PC,則顯示為USB閃存設備,您可以訪問(安裝)的內部文件系統和SD卡這種方式。如果你複製一個Python腳本文件系統,並調用它在main.py那麼當它啟動時,董事會將執行這個腳本。這樣,您就可以在不連接到PC上運行的腳本。


如果你複製一個Python腳本文件系統,並調用它main.py  那麼當它啟動時,董事會將執行這個腳本。這樣,您就可以在不連接到PC上運行的腳本。


  • STM32F411RE微控制器

  • 96兆赫的Cortex M4 CPU與硬件浮點

  • 512KiB Flash ROM和RAM 128KiB

  • Micro USB插孔電源和串行通信

  • Micro SD卡插槽,支持標準和高容量的SD卡

  • 24 GPIO在左側和右側邊緣和5 GPIO上底行,加上LED和開關GPIO上底排可用

  • 1X 12位模擬數字轉換器,對16個引腳,4帶模擬接地屏蔽可用

  • 4個LED(紅,綠,黃和藍)的

  • 1復位和1個用戶交換機

  • 板載3.3V LDO電壓調節器,能夠提供高達250mA,輸入電壓範圍3.6V至16V的

  • DFU bootloader的ROM固件快速升級


點擊 這裡 進行引用,原理圖,並在MicroPython更多的文檔。



Part List.jpg

1×MicroPython pyboard精簡版1.0版與加速度計和頭




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