
Intel Edison Grove Indoor Environment Kit 室內環境感測套件


SKU 即原廠標號

2,600 (含營業稅)




Grove Indoor Environment Kit for Edison makes it easy to create complete indoor environment applications with Intel Edison and Arduino Breakout Board. With the Base Shield V2, developer can plug up to 11 different Grove sensors & actuators quickly. We provide cool demo code which will be constantly updated, and it will be very easy to operate these sensors & actuators without any programming experience.

What's included in the kit?


Installing Edison Arduino IDE

Refer to Intel Edison offical site: Edison Getting Started Guide
1. Download the Edison Arduino IDE.(Note: Select your OS.)
2. Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the .zip Edison Arduino IDE
3. Right click on the .7z file,highlight “7-zip", and select “Extract to “arduino-…"
IndoorKit Extract 7z.png

4. Click through the folder that was created until you see the IDE “arduino.exe" file.Double-click this file and this window should open.
IndoorKit ArduinoIDE.png

Install required drivers

1. Download FTDI drivers
2. Right-click the .exe file you downloaded, which should be called “CDM…" and select “Run as administrator".
Edison FTDI Driver.jpg

3. Click “Extract".
Edison FTDI Driver Install.jpg

4. Click “Next".
5. Click “Finish" when you see this screen.
Edison FTDI Driver Install ok.jpg

6. Download Intel Edison Drivers to install the required RNDIS, CDC, and DFU drivers.
7. Double-click the .exe file to begin the install.
Intel Edison Driver.jpg

Hardware connection

Using 26AWG Grove Cable making the following connections:

Grove ModulesConnected to
Temperature&Humidity SensorI2C
Moisture SensorA1
Light SensorA2
UV SensorA3
PIR Motion SensorD7
LCD RGB BacklightI2C

Edison Indoor Wire Figure.png

Running Example

1. Open the web site: Grove_Indoor_Environment_Demo to download the whole project.
Indoor Kit Github Demo.png

2. Click Tools > Serial Port and select the Com # that the Intel Edison is connected to
Import Indoor Kit Demo.png

3. Click Sketch>Import Library…>Add Library and import the library downloaded at step 1
4. Click File>Examples> Grove_Indoor_Environment_Demo and select the demo Click upload icon
Upload Indoor Kit Demo.png

5. Open Serial Monitor, it will print the sensors' information:
Indoor Kit Serial Monitor.png

6. Rotate the Encoder to check the sensor value on the LCD.
Indoor Kit Rotate Encoder.png

7. In the “Send TextBox", you can enter the following command to operate the sensors and actuators:
set [sensor][condition:>, < or =][ threshold],[actuator]=[action]

set temp>40, relay=1if temperature is higher than 40℃, the relay opens.
set temp>40, sleep=1if temperature is >40℃, nothing to do.
set humi>60, buzzer=1if humidity is >60%, the buzzer beeps.
set light>600, servo=90if light intensity is >600, the servo truns 90°.
set uv>80, relay=0if UV intensity is >80, the relay closes.
set pir=1, buzzer=1if people detected, the buzzer beeps.
set ms>40, relay=1if moisture is >40, the relay opens.
set ssid=name, psw=passwordset the wifi SSID and Password.you can open a web browser, and go to the IP address displayed on the Serial Monitor or LCD. The default port is 88. he default port is 88. Such as:


  • The command should be ended with '/n', so “NewLine" (in the Serial Monitor) should be selected.
  • A actuator can only be controlled by a sensor. If A sensor wants to control a actuator(has be controlled by B sensor), B sensor should be set sleep.

Indoor Kit command.png

8. WiFi connection. open the Serial Monitor, and set your ssid and password(as below). Check the local IP on the LCD or Serial Monitor. On a device connected on the same network, open a web browser, and go to the IP address above, you can see the sensor value.
Note: When visiting the web server, a port number(88)should be added,such as:
Indoor Kit SSID PSW.png
Indoor Kit Local IP.png
Indoor Kit Web Server.png




Create Cool Indoor Environment Applications without Programming Experience!

A functional kit to help you explore and interact with your indoor environment. A bundle of various sensors expands your imagination in rapid prototyping based on an Intel Edison development board.


Grove Indoor Environment Kit for Intel® Edison makes it easy to create complete indoor environment applications with Intel Edison and Arduino Breakout Board. With the Base shield V2, developers can plug up to 11 different Grove sensors and actuators quickly. We provide cool demo codes which are constantly updated, so as to make it simple to operate even without any programming experience.



Project 1: Light Control Switch

How does it work?

When the illumination<300, the servo will drive the switch. Just connect to PC, open the Serial Monitor and type the command “set light<300, servo=90”, then click “Send” button.

Part list:

Grove - Light Sensor, Grove – Servo, 26AWG Grove Cables

Project 2: Infrared Lamp

How does it work?

Connect to PC, open the Serial Monitor and type the command “set pir=1, relay=1”, then click “Send” button. Then turn on the power, the PIR Motion Sensor will lighten the lamp when it feels body motions or people passing by.

Part list:

Grove - PIR Motion Sensor, Grove – Relay, 26AWG Grove Cable

Project 3: UV Alarm

How does it work?

The buzzer will alarm when UV goes beyond 55. Connect to your PC, open the Serial Monitor and type the command “set uv>55, buzzer=1”, then click “Send” button.

Technical Details

Dimensions 200mm x 132mm x 73mm
Weight G.W 578g    
Battery Exclude

Part List

/ 1

Line share