

SparkFun MIDI盾

SparkFun MIDI Shield




The SparkFun MIDI Shield board gives your Arduino-based device access to the antiquated, but still widely used and well supported MIDI communication protocol, so you can control synthesizers, sequencers, and other musical devices. The MIDI protocol shares many similarities with standard asynchronous serial interfaces, so you can use the UART pins of your Arduino to send and receive MIDI’s event messages.

The SparkFun MIDI Shield provides an opto-isolated MIDI-IN port as well as a MIDI-OUT port. The MIDI Shield can be mounted directly on top of an Arduino, connecting the MIDI-IN to the Arduino’s hardware RX pin and the MIDI-OUT to TX. Potentiometers are connected to analog pins 1 and 2, and can be used to control volume, pitch, tone or anything else you’d like. The shield also comes with three momentary push buttons, a reset button, and green and red stat LEDs. The RUN/PROG switch allows you to program the Arduino over serial without having to remove the shield.

This revision of the SparkFun MIDI Shield also adds several configurable features, such as converting the MIDI output to a MIDI thru, and the option to use a software serial port for MIDI, leaving the hardware serial for programming and debugging. It also buffers the output, making it compatible with the Arduino Pro without needing to circumvent the protection resistors on the serial TX and RX lines.

Note: The MIDI Shield does not come with all parts soldered on. Two MIDI connectors, two trimpots, and three pushbuttons are included with the product and will need to be attached by the end user.


  • SparkFun MIDI Shield PCB
  • 2x 5-pin DIN conectors
  • 2x 10K rotary potentiometer
  • 3x 12mm tactile pushbutton switches


在SparkFun MIDI盾板給人以陳舊,但仍然被廣泛使用並得到廣泛支持的基於Arduino的設備訪問MIDI通信協議 ,這樣你就可以控制合成器,音序器,和其他音樂設備。該MIDI協議有許多相似之處與標準的異步串行接口,因此你可以使用你的Arduino的UART引腳發送和接收MIDI的事件消息。

在SparkFun MIDI盾提供了一個光隔離MIDI-IN接口以及一個MIDI-OUT端口。該MIDI盾可以直接在一個Arduino的頂部安裝,連接MIDI-IN到Arduino硬件的RX引腳和MIDI-OUT到TX。電位器連接到模擬引腳1和2,可用於控制音量,音高,音調或其他任何你想。屏蔽還附帶了三個瞬間按鈕,復位按鈕,綠色和紅色的LED統計。在RUN / PROG開關可以讓你無需拆卸盾的Arduino通過串口編程。

在SparkFun MIDI盾此次修訂還增加了一些配置的功能,如MIDI輸出轉換為MIDI THRU,並使用MIDI軟件串口選項,留下編程和調試硬件序列。它還緩衝輸出,使其與阿爾杜伊諾臨兼容而無需規避串行TX和RX線路保護電阻器。



  • SparkFun MIDI盾PCB
  • 2個5針DIN conectors
  • 2個10K旋轉電位器
  • 3X12毫米觸覺按鍵開關



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