
混合 V1.0-單板集成 Arduino

Blend V1.0 - a single board integrated with Arduino and BLE


Arduino & Compatible




Blend is an integrated developement board, we have"blend"ed Arduino with Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (aka BLE or Bluetooth Smart) into a single board. It is targeted for makers to develop low power Internet-Of-Things (IoT) projects quickly and easily.
Blend is 100% compatible with sketches and Shields that work with Arduino Leonardo. The micro-controller unit (MCU) is Atmel ATmega32U4 and the BLE chip is Nordic nRF8001. Blend runs as BLE peripheral role only, it allows BLE central role devices to establish connection with. 
Current supported BLE central devices:
iOS 7
•iPhone 4s
•iPhone 5 (all models)
•iPod touch 5
•iPad 3/4/mini/Air
Android 4.3 or above (4.4 recommended for stability) with Bluetooth 4.0 hardware support
•Nexus 4
•Nexus 5
•Nexus 7
•(please report any other Android devices supported)
Windows Phone 8.1
•Nokia Lumia 630
•(please report any other Windows Phone devices supported)
Windows 8.1 with built-in Bluetooth 4.0 or USB dongle
Mac OSX 10.9.2 with built-in Bluetooth 4.0 or USB dongle
Linux with BlueZ 5.1 with built-in Bluetooth 4.0 or USB dongle
  • UtilizeNordic Bluetooth Smart SDK for Arduino

  • Software development using Arduino IDE

  • Works with our free Android AppandiOS App

  • Support 5V and 3.3V operating voltage

  • Selectable REQN and RDYN pins, from pin 0 to 3, 6 to 11

  • Flexible RF RESET pin, pin 4 or 5

  • Over-the-Air download of sketch to Blend (available soon)

  • Besides the on-board PCB antenna, option to use SMA connector for external antenna (soldering is required)

Microcontroller Atmel ATmega32U4
Wireless Chip Nordic nRF8001
Operating Voltage 3.3V or 5V
Input Voltage

5V (USB)

6.5-12V (DC input or VIN)

Note: Use only one power source at a time, 
otherwise you will damange the board.
Clock Speed 16MHz
Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy
Serial (TX/RX) 
Flash Memory 32KB (of which 4 KB used by bootloader)
Dimensions 73 x 54 x 12mm (120 x 73 x 25mm with packaging)
Weight 19g (37g with packaging)
I/O Pins 20
How It Works
The nRF8001 chip communicates with ATmega32U4 through the ACI (Application Controller Interface). The ACI is similar to SPI but not actually works as SPI. SPI is consist of MOSI, MISO, SCK and SS, whereas ACI is consist of MOSI, MISO, SCK, REQN and RDYN.
Since the nRF8001 chip may receive data anytime even not selected by SPI master (Atmega32U4), so the SS line is not needed.
For the ACI, data exchange still through MOSI and MISO, and SCK provides the clock generated by master.
When master wants to request data from BLE Shield, it puts the REQN to low until RDYN line is put to low by BLE Shiled, and then master generates the clock to read out the data. After reading out the data, master will release the REQN and BLE Shield release the RDYN, put them to high.
If the nRF8001 has data to transmit to master, it will put the RDYN to low to indicate master, even though the master has not requested data and REQN is idle. If the master detectes a low level condition on RDYN, it will put REQN to low and generate the clock to read out the data. After reading out the data, both REQN and RDYN will be put to high. Note that REQN is controlled by master while RDYN is controlled by the nRF8001 chip.
Operate at 3.3V or 5V
According to the Atmega32U4 specification, the MCU can run at either 8MHz@3.3V or 16MHz@5V. Normally, you should set the voltage selection switch to 5V to run the board at 16MHz. However if you need to connect to shields or external components, such as sensors or MCU, which accept 3.3V only, you should change the operating voltage to 3.3V using the voltage selection switch.
Note that while Blend is running at 3.3V, the Atmega32U4 will still run at 16MHz which is outside Atmel's specification, the CPU is overclocked (we have not seen any issue so far). 
For questions about Nordic Bluetooth low energy SDK for Arduino, please visit Nordic Developer Zone.
All other questions regarding Blend, please visit our Blend Forum.

Technical Details

Dimensions 114mm x 72mm x 23mm
Weight G.W 34g    
Battery Exclude

Part List

Blend V1.0 - a single board integrated with Arduino and BLE 1


混合是一個集成開發板, 我們有 "混合" ed Arduino 與藍牙4.0 低能量 (aka 或藍牙智慧) 成一個單一的董事會。它的目標是製造商開發低電力網絡的東西 (物) 專案迅速和容易。
混合是100% 相容的草圖和盾牌的工作與 Arduino 萊昂納多。微控制器單元 (MCU) 是Atmel ATmega32U4 , 而該晶片是北歐 nRF8001。混合運行只作為一個外部角色, 它允許中心角色設備建立連接。
iOS 7
•iPhone 4s
•iPhone 5 (所有車型)
•iPod 觸摸5
•iPad 3/4/迷你/空氣
Android 4.3 或以上 (4.4 推薦的穩定) 與藍牙4.0 硬體支援
•Nexus 4
•Nexus 5
•Nexus 7
· (請報告任何其他支援的 Android 設備)
•Nokia 雪630
· (請報告任何其他支援的 Windows 電話設備)
內置藍牙4.0 或 USB 轉換器的 Windows 8。1
Mac OSX 10.9.2 內置藍牙4.0 或 USB 轉換器
帶有內置藍牙4.0 或 USB 轉換器的 BlueZ 5.1 的 Linux
  • 使用北歐藍牙智慧 SDK Arduino

  • 使用 Arduino IDE 進行軟體發展

  • 與我們的免費Android 應用程式iOS 應用程式一起工作

  • 支援5V 和3.3V 工作電壓

  • 可選擇的 REQN 和 RDYN 引腳, 從引腳0到 3, 6 到11

  • 靈活的射頻重定引腳, 針4或5

  • 通過空氣下載草圖混合 (很快就可以)

  • 除了車載 PCB 天線外, 還可選擇使用 SMA 連接器作為外置天線 (需要焊接)

Atmel ATmega32U4
無線晶片北歐 nRF8001
工作電壓3.3V 或5V

5V (USB)

6.5-12 v (DC 輸入或 VIN)

注意: 一次只使用一個電源,
否則, 你將損傷董事會。
藍牙4.0 低能耗
微型 USB
串列 (TX/RX)
快閃記憶體32KB (其中 4 KB 由引導程式使用)
尺寸73 x 54 x 12mm (120 x 73 x 25mm 帶包裝)
重量19g (37g 帶包裝)
i/o 針腳20
nRF8001 晶片通過 ACI (應用程式控制器介面) 與 ATmega32U4 通信。ACI 與 spi 相似, 但實際上不是 spi。SPI 由莫西奧圖尼亞、味噌、SCK 和 SS 組成, 而 ACI 則由莫西奧圖尼亞、味噌、SCK、REQN 和 RDYN 組成。
由於 nRF8001 晶片可能在任何時候都不會被 SPI 主 (Atmega32U4) 所選擇, 因此不需要 SS 線。
對於 ACI, 資料交換仍然通過莫西奧圖尼亞和味噌, 和 SCK 提供時鐘產生的主。
當主人想從 REQN 請求資料時, 它會把 RDYN 線放到低位, 直到 Shiled, 然後主生成時鐘來讀取資料。讀完資料後, 師父將釋放 REQN 和 RDYN, 把它們放到高位。
如果 nRF8001 有要傳輸到主控形狀的資料, 則即使主控形狀沒有請求資料並且 REQN 處於空閒狀態, 它也會將 RDYN 到低指示主控形狀。如果主 detectes 在 RDYN 上的低級別條件, 它將把 REQN 到低, 並生成時鐘讀出的資料。讀完資料後, REQN 和 RDYN 都將被放到高位。請注意, REQN 由主控, 而 RDYN 由 nRF8001 晶片控制。
操作在3.3V 或5V
根據 Atmega32U4 規範, MCU 可以運行在8MHz@3.3V 或 16MHz@5V. 通常情況下, 您應該將電壓選擇開關設置為 5V, 以便在16MHz 運行主機板。但是, 如果您需要連接到遮罩或外部元件, 如感應器或單片機, 它只接受 3.3V, 則應使用電壓選擇開關將工作電壓改為3.3V。
請注意, 雖然混合運行在 3.3V, Atmega32U4 將仍然運行在 16MHz, 這是超出 Atmel 的規格, CPU 是超頻 (我們還沒有看到任何問題到目前為止)。
有關北歐藍牙低能耗 SDK Arduino 的問題, 請訪問北歐開發人員專區
有關混合的所有其他問題, 請訪問我們的混合論壇


尺寸114mm x 72mm x 23mm
重量G. W 37g


混合 V1.0-單板集成 Arduino1


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