
OpenMV Cam M7

OpenMV Cam M7


Machine Vision



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The OpenMV Cam is a small, low power, microcontroller board which allows you to easily implement applications using machine vision in the real-world. You program the OpenMV Cam in high level Python scripts (courtesy of the MicroPython Operating System) instead of C/C++. This makes it easier to deal with the complex outputs of machine vision algorithms and working with high level data structures. But, you still have total control over your OpenMV Cam and its I/O pins in Python. You can easily trigger taking pictures and video on external events or execute machine vision algorithms to figure out how to control your I/O pins.



The OpenMV Cam can be used for the following things currently (more in the future):

•Frame Differencing

You can use Frame Differencing on your OpenMV Cam to detect motion in a scene by looking at what's changed. Frame Differencing allows you to use your OpenMV Cam for security applications.

•Color Tracking

You can use your OpenMV Cam to detect up to 32 colors at a time in an image (realistically you'd never want to find more than 4) and each color can have any number of distinct blobs. Your OpenMV Cam will then tell you the position, size, centroid, and orientation of each blob. Using color tracking your OpenMV Cam can be programmed to do things like tracking the sun, line following, target tracking, and much, much, more. Video demo here.

•Marker Tracking

You can use your OpenMV Cam to detect groups of colors instead of independent colors. This allows you to create color makers (2 or more color tags) which can be put on objects allowing your OpenMV Cam to understand what the tagged objects are. Video demo here.

•Face Detection

You can detect Faces with your OpenMV Cam (or any generic object). Your OpenMV Cam can process Haar Cascades to do generic object detection and comes with a built-in Frontal Face Cascade and Eye Haar Cascade to detect faces and eyes.

•Eye Tracking

You can use Eye Tracking with your OpenMV Cam to detect someone's gaze. You can then, for example, use that to control a robot. Eye Tracking detects where the pupil is looking versus detecting if there's an eye in the image.

•Optical Flow

You can use Optical Flow to detect translation of what your OpenMV Cam is looking at. For example, you can use Optical Flow on a quad-copter to determine how stable it is in the air.

•QR Code Detection/Decoding

You can use the OpenMV Cam to read QR Codes in it's field of view. With QR Code Detection/Decoding you can make smart robots which can read labels in the environment. You can see our video on this feature here.

•AprilTag Tracking

Even better than QR Codes above, the OpenMV Cam M7 can also track AprilTags at 160x120 at up to about 12 FPS. AprilTags are rotation, scale, shear, and lighting invariant state-of-the-art fidicual markers. We have a video on this feature here.

•Edge/Line Detection

You can preform edge detection via either the Canny Edge Detector algorithm or simple high-pass filtering followed by thresholding. After you have a binary image you can then use the Hough Detector to find all the lines in the image. With edge/line detection you can use your OpenMV Cam to easily detect the orientation of objects.

•Template Matching

You can use template matching with your OpenMV Cam to detect when a translated pre-saved image is in view. For example, template matching can be used to find fiducials on a PCB or read known digits on a display.

•Image Capture

You can use the OpenMV Cam to capture up to 320x240 RGB565 (or 640x480 Grayscale) BMP/JPG/PPM/PGM images. You directly control how images are captured in your Python script. Best of all, you can preform machine vision functions and/or draw on frames before saving them.

•Video Recording

You can use the OpenMV Cam to record up to 320x240 RGB565 (or 640x480 Grayscale) MJPEG video or GIF images. You directly control how each frame of video is recorded in your Python script and have total control on how video recording starts and finishes. And, like capturing images, you can preform machine vision functions and/or draw on video frames before saving them.

Finally, all the above features can be mixed and matched in your own custom application along with I/O pin control to talk to the real world.


Processor ARM®32-bit Cortex®-M7 CPU
w/ Double Precision FPU
216 MHz (462 DMIPS)
Core Mark Score: 1082
(compare w/ Raspberry Pi Zero: 2060)
RAM Layout 128KB .DATA/.BSS/Heap/Stack
384KB Frame Buffer/Stack
(512KB Total)
Flash Layout 32KB Bootloader
96KB Embedded Flash Drive
1920KB Firmware
(2MB Total)
Supported Image Formats Grayscale
Maximum Supported Resolutions Grayscale: 640x480 and under
RGB565: 320x240 and under
Grayscale JPEG: 640x480 and under
RGB565 JPEG: 640x480 and under
Lens Info IR Cut Filter: 650nm(removable)
Electrical Info All pins are 5V tolerant with 3.3V output. All pins can sink or source up to 25mA. P6 is not 5V tolerant in ADC or DAC mode. Up to 120mA may be sinked or sourced in total between all pins. VIN may be between 3.6V and 5V. Do not draw more than 250mA from your OpenMV Cam's 3.3V rail.
Dimensions 45(L) x 36(W) x 30(H) mm
Weight 16g

Power Consumption

Idle - No μSD Card 110mA @ 3.3V
Idle - μSD Card 110mA @ 3.3V
Active - No μSD Card 190mA @ 3.3V
Active - μSD Card 200mA @ 3.3V

Temperature Range

Storage -40°C to 125°C
Operating -20°C to 70°C




Getting Started Guide

Click here for references, schematics, and more documentation on the OpenMV.

Note: For this product, we provide customized service for building boards without headers.

Technical Details

Dimensions 185mm x 103mm x 34mm
Weight G.W 103g    
Battery Exclude

Part List

OpenMV M7 1
Micro USB Cable 1
Servo Board 1
8 Pin Female header 2
Screw 4
Nut 4
Expansion Board 1


OpenMV Cam是一款小型,低功耗的微控制器板,可讓您在現實世界中輕鬆實現使用機器視覺的應用。您可以使用高級Python腳本(由MicroPython操作系統提供)而不是C / C ++編程OpenMV Cam。這使得更容易處理機器視覺算法的複雜輸出並使用高級數據結構。但是,您仍然可以完全控制您的OpenMV Cam及其在Python中的I / O引腳。您可以輕鬆觸發外部事件拍攝和錄像,或執行機器視覺算法,以了解如何控制I / O引腳。



OpenMV Cam可以用於以下內容(將來會更多):


您可以使用OpenMV Cam上的Frame Differencing來檢測場景中的運動,方法是查看更改內容。框架差異允許您將OpenMV Cam用於安全應用程序。


您可以使用OpenMV Cam在圖像中一次檢測多達32種顏色(實際上您永遠不會想要找到超過4種顏色),並且每種顏色都可以有任意數量的不同的斑點。然後,您的OpenMV Cam會告訴您每個blob的位置,大小,重心和方向。使用顏色跟踪,您的OpenMV Cam可以進行編程,以執行跟踪太陽,線跟踪,目標跟踪等等。視頻演示這裡。


您可以使用您的OpenMV Cam來檢測組的顏色,而不是獨立的顏色。這允許您創建可以放置在對像上的色彩製作者(2個或更多顏色標籤),允許您的OpenMV Cam了解標記對象的內容。視頻演示這裡。


您可以使用OpenMV Cam(或任何通用對象)檢測Faces。您的OpenMV Cam可以處理Haar Cascades進行通用對象檢測,並配有內置的Frontal Face Cascade和Eye Haar Cascade來檢測臉部和眼睛。






您可以使用OpenMV Cam在其視野中閱讀QR碼。通過QR碼檢測/解碼,您可以製作可以在環境中讀取標籤的智能機器人。您可以在此處查看我們的視頻。


甚至比上述的QR碼更好,OpenMV Cam M7也可以追溯到160x120的FourTags,高達12 FPS。 AprilTags是旋轉,縮放,剪切和照明不變的最先進的流感標記。我們在這裡有一個視頻。


您可以通過Canny Edge Detector算法或簡單的高通濾波進行邊緣檢測,然後進行閾值處理。在您擁有二進製圖像後,您可以使用霍夫檢測器查找圖像中的所有行。通過邊緣/線檢測,您可以使用OpenMV Cam輕鬆檢測物體的方向。


您可以使用與OpenMV Cam模板匹配來檢測翻譯的預先保存的圖像何時被視圖。例如,模板匹配可用於在PCB上查找基准或讀取顯示屏上的已知數字。


您可以使用OpenMV攝像頭捕獲多達320x240 RGB565(或640x480灰度)BMP / JPG / PPM / PGM圖像。您可以直接控制如何在Python腳本中捕獲圖像。最重要的是,您可以在保存機器視覺功能和/或繪製框架之前進行預設。


您可以使用OpenMV Cam記錄多達320x240 RGB565(或640x480灰度)MJPEG視頻或GIF圖像。您可以直接控制每個視頻幀在Python腳本中的記錄,並對視頻錄製的開始和結束進行全面控制。而且,像拍攝圖像一樣,您可以在保存機器視覺功能和/或繪製視頻幀之前進行預覽。

最後,所有上述功能可以在您自己的自定義應用程序中與I / O引腳控制進行混合和匹配,以與現實世界交談。


處理器 ARM®32位Cortex®-M7 CPU
216 MHz(462 DMIPS)
(比較w / Raspberry Pi Zero:2060)
RAM佈局 128KB .DATA / .BSS /堆/堆棧
Flash佈局 32KB引導加載程序
支持的圖像格式 灰度
最大支持的分辨率 灰度:640x480及以下
RGB565 JPEG:640x480及以下
鏡頭信息 紅外截止濾光片:650nm(可拆卸)
電氣信息 所有引腳都具有3.3V輸出的5V容限。所有引腳可以吸收或最高可達25mA。在ADC或DAC模式下,P6不是5V容限。所有引腳之間可能總共吸收了120mA的電流。 VIN可能在3.6V和5V之間。不要從您的OpenMV攝像機的3.3V導軌上畫出超過250mA的電流。
外形尺寸 45(L)×36(W)×30(H)mm
重量 16克


空閒 - 無μSD卡 110mA @ 3.3V
空閒 - μSD卡 110mA @ 3.3V
有效 - 無μSD卡 190mA @ 3.3V
有源 - μSD卡 200mA @ 3.3V



存儲 -40°C至125°C
操作 -20°C至70°C





點擊 此處 查看OpenMV的參考資料,原理圖和更多文檔。



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